Tiny House Communities on the Rise: How to Choose the Right Location for Your Lifestyle

As more people look to downsize and simplify their lives, the popularity of tiny house living has grown. Living in a tiny house can offer numerous benefits, including reduced expenses, a smaller environmental footprint, and a simpler, more minimalist lifestyle. Tiny house communities, in particular, have been on the rise in recent years, offering a sense of community and support for those who choose this lifestyle. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right location for your lifestyle? In this article, I’ll explore the benefits of tiny house communities, factors to consider when choosing a location, and popular communities across the US.

Introduction to Tiny House Living and Communities

Tiny houses are typically defined as homes that are 400 square feet or less. They can be built on wheels or on a foundation, and they come in all shapes and sizes. While tiny houses have been around for many years, the movement to live in them as a way to downsize and simplify has gained momentum in recent years. As a result, tiny house communities have become more popular as people seek out like-minded individuals to share their experiences with.

Tiny house communities offer a unique opportunity to live in a community of people who share similar values and lifestyles. The communities can be made up of tiny houses on wheels or on a foundation, and they often include shared spaces such as gardens, community buildings, and recreational areas. Living in a tiny house community can offer a sense of community and support that can be hard to find in traditional neighborhoods.

Benefits of Living in Tiny House Communities

Living in a tiny house community can offer numerous benefits beyond just the smaller environmental footprint and reduced expenses. Here are some of the top benefits:

Sense of Community

Living in a tiny house community can offer a sense of community and support that is hard to find in traditional neighborhoods. Many tiny house communities are designed to foster a sense of community, with shared spaces and activities that encourage interaction and socialization.

Reduced Expenses

One of the biggest benefits of tiny house living is the reduced expenses. Tiny houses require less energy to heat and cool, and they use fewer resources to build and maintain. Living in a tiny house community can also reduce expenses, as many communities have shared resources such as gardens and community buildings.

Smaller Environmental Footprint

Tiny house living is often seen as a way to reduce one’s environmental footprint. With fewer resources required to build and maintain a tiny house, and a smaller energy footprint, living in a tiny house community can be an environmentally-friendly choice.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Tiny House Community

When choosing a tiny house community, there are several factors to consider. Here are some of the most important:


Location is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a tiny house community. Consider factors such as proximity to work, family, and friends, as well as access to amenities such as grocery stores and medical facilities.

Community Rules and Regulations

Each tiny house community has its own set of rules and regulations. Before committing to a community, make sure you understand the rules and regulations and are comfortable living within them.

Amenities and Services

Consider the amenities and services that are available in the community. Is there a community building or recreational area? Is there access to gardening space? Are there services such as trash pickup and snow removal?

Types of Tiny House Communities

There are several types of tiny house communities to choose from. Here are some of the most common:

RV Parks and Campgrounds

Many RV parks and campgrounds now allow tiny houses on wheels to park on their property. While these communities may not offer the same level of community and support as other types of tiny house communities, they can be a good option for those who enjoy travel and adventure.


Eco-villages are communities that are designed to be environmentally-friendly and sustainable. They often include shared resources such as gardens and renewable energy sources.

Intentional Communities

Intentional communities are communities that are formed around a shared set of values and goals. They can be religious or secular, and they often include shared resources and communal living spaces.

Popular Tiny House Communities Across the US

Here are some of the most popular tiny house communities across the US:

Boneyard Studios (Washington, D.C.)

Boneyard Studios is a tiny house community located in the heart of Washington, D.C. The community includes several tiny houses on wheels, as well as shared spaces such as a community garden and a workshop.

The Village (Austin, Texas)

The Village is a tiny house community located in Austin, Texas. The community includes several tiny houses on foundations, as well as shared spaces such as a community garden and a dog park.

Quixote Village (Olympia, Washington)

Quixote Village is a tiny house community located in Olympia, Washington. The community includes several tiny houses on foundations, as well as shared spaces such as a community garden and a community building.

Researching Potential Tiny House Communities

Before committing to a tiny house community, it’s important to do your research. Here are some tips for researching potential communities:

Reach Out to Current Residents

Reach out to current residents of the community to get their perspective on what it’s like to live there. Ask about the community’s strengths and weaknesses, and get a sense of the community’s culture.

Attend Community Events

Many tiny house communities host events and open houses. Attend these events to get a sense of the community’s vibe and to meet other residents.

Visit the Community

If possible, visit the community in person. This will give you a chance to see the community’s amenities and to get a sense of the surrounding area.

Tips for Choosing the Right Location for Your Lifestyle

Choosing the right location for your lifestyle is crucial when considering a tiny house community. Here are some tips for finding the right location:

Consider Your Lifestyle

Consider your lifestyle when choosing a location. Do you want to be close to nature or in the heart of the city? Do you need access to public transportation or a nearby airport?

Think About Your Future Plans

Think about your future plans when choosing a location. Do you plan to stay in the community long-term, or are you looking for a temporary living situation? Does the community offer the resources and support you need to achieve your goals?

Get Involved in the Community

Once you’ve chosen a community, get involved! Attend community events, volunteer, and get to know your neighbors. Building a sense of community is key to making the most of your tiny house living experience.

Legal Considerations for Tiny House Communities

Before committing to a tiny house community, it’s important to understand the legal considerations. Here are some key legal considerations to keep in mind:

Zoning Laws

Zoning laws can vary by state and municipality, and not all areas allow tiny houses. Make sure the community you’re interested in is in compliance with local zoning regulations.

Building Codes

Tiny houses must meet building codes just like any other dwelling. Make sure the tiny houses in the community are built to code and that they have been inspected and approved by local authorities.

Ownership and Financing

Tiny houses can be financed just like any other home, but many tiny house communities operate on a lease or rental basis. Make sure you understand the ownership and financing options available in the community you’re interested in.

Building a Sense of Community in Tiny House Communities

Building a sense of community is key to making the most of your tiny house living experience. Here are some tips for building a sense of community:

Participate in Community Events

Participating in community events is a great way to meet your neighbors and build relationships.


Volunteering in the community can help you feel more connected and invested in the community.


Communicate openly and honestly with your neighbors. Building strong relationships is key to creating a sense of community.


Choosing the right location for your tiny house lifestyle is crucial to making the most of your living experience. By considering factors such as location, community rules and regulations, and amenities, you can find the perfect community for your needs. Once you’ve chosen a community, building a sense of community is key to making the most of your tiny house living experience. By participating in community events, volunteering, and communicating with your neighbors, you can create a supportive and fulfilling living environment.

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